Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Hey to all my new readers! Here's 3 things you might not know about me . . .


Rain water in tyre tracks

Hello there to all my new readers! This post is all about introducing myself and sharing a few things you might not know about me . . .

1. I also blog about books

As well as nature and wildlife, I have a great love for books. And, just like with my love for nature and wildlife, one of the ways in which I explore my bibliophilia is through writing about that passion in my own humble little book blog.

Sometimes I am able to tie my love for books and nature together, just like when I wrote a review of Foxes Unearthed by Lucy Jones. Nature and wildlife writing is the joy of my two loves colliding!

2. I am a bit of a gardener

My interest in gardening very much stems from my love of nature and wildlife. My first attempts at gardening were when I planted a variety of wildflowers for the love of pollinators. But there are many other ways in which one can explore gardening and a love for nature.

As well as planting wildflowers for our familiar pollinators, it is worth considering the night time pollinators that we might easily forget about. This has led to me researching those flowers and plants that come into their own in the evening, making the garden a place for creatures that prefer moonlight, as well as those who need the sunshine.

3. I am vegetarian

And I am exploring vegan options. This diet is very much informed by my love for nature and wildlife.

If you care for nature and wildlife, sooner or later, you are going to come up against having to make decisions about the way you live your life. We all know that the way in which human beings have been using and exploiting natural resources, the ways in which we have treated animals, and the way we have built our infrastructure have been having a detrimental impact on the natural world. A more plant based lifestyle is one of the solutions to a load of problems the world is facing.

I hope that you enjoyed this read. If you did, you can buy me a coffee on - the caffeine keeps me being me and writing all about nature and wildlife! Thank you!

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