Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Photos from the countryside


Rosehip. According to a little pocketbook I have for identifying wild plants, these fruits are on bushes from late August until November, but I took this picture in December. 

These are a great source of Vitamin C, for those who like to do a little foraging, and can be used to flavour puddings and ice creams. Though, remember to forage responsibly and take no more than you intend to use for yourself.

I believe that this is velvet shank, or velvet foot, though I am no expert on fungi and will gladly be corrected by anyone that knows better. 

I took this photo when I was out walking in the countryside during the Christmas holiday period. Fungi can be beautiful and this, with the shiny honey coloured caps, caught my eye as I walked a country path. It, and the lichen it shared the trunk with, were growing on a tree at the edge of a field.

A Highland cow in the south-east of England??

This attractive cow was undeterred by the wire and barb wire fence, and was happily sticking its head through to get at ivy leaves growing on the trees, just on the otherside of the fencing. Wasn't too bothered by my presence either.

Thank you for perusing my pictures from the countryside. You can support this blog, buying me a coffee on ko-fi.com - the caffeine keeps me snapping pictures on my rambles. Thank you to all supporters!

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