Monday, May 23, 2022

A Tribute to the Riverside


Beside the river. (Photo from personal collection)

A Tribute to the Riverside

Ripples on water, branches wave,
A blackbird hunts some tiny thing.
Fractal patterns, Yellow flag sway,
And mayfly dance on joyous wing.

Escaped and sat beneath the trees,
In dappled sun and reverie.
If I could live inside this dream,
There would be nought to worry me.

The breeze that washes through the leaves
On branches far above my head
Sounds like the sea washing a beach;
I close my eyes and take a breath.

Filled with verdant green filtered air,
Bursting chest, breath held, then exhale;
A slow release of all my cares,
As Dandelion seeds sets sail.

Philip Simons 

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