Friday, October 1, 2021

Discover more books on nature and wildlife!

 Disclaimer: if you make a purchase through links in this post, I may earn a small commission from the sellers, but this does not affect the cost to the consumer and it definitely does not influence the content of this blog.

In this post, we will be taking a little look at some nature writing. We have taken a look at some books in the past that have explored nature and wildlife (here), and this post is something of a follow up to that. What follows is a few books that you, as nature lovers, may enjoy. So, without further ado . . .

Less is More : How Degrowth Will Save the World by Jason Hickel

In the name of progress, capitalism, and the economy, human activity is being undertaken to the detriment of the natural living world. Our planet is in trouble. In this book, Hickel shines a light on the ecological breakdown of our world today and the systems that are causing it, making a case for degrowth as an answer. Here, he hopes to show how we can build a thriving society for all that also falls back into balance with the living world.

You can purchase a copy of this book here.

Bearded Tit by Rory McGrath

This Sunday Times Best Seller and BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week is a meditation on how watching birds can tell us so much about life and how to live it. This is a love story too; a love between people and the love of a man for birds. Perhaps this book could be considered a memoir of sorts, but McGrath looks back over his life always with birds flying overhead. I suspect many a birdwatcher will appreciate much in this book!

You can purchase a copy of this book here.

Feral by George Monbiot

George Monbiot studied zoology at Oxford, and has spent his career as a journalist and environmentalist, working with others to defend the natural world he loves.* And, in Feral, Monbiot makes his case for rewilding our landscapes and ourselves. It is the work of an author passionate about his subject, writing with the intelligence to back up that passion. If you read this book, and you don't already, you will dream of seeing wolves and boar back in the countryside. And you will yearn to get out there and immerse yourself in nature.

*Taken from the "About the author" description in the book.

You can purchase a copy of this book here.

Well, that's all for now, but if you enjoy this sort of content then please do let me know and I will write up some more! 

The links in this piece will take you to, whose mission is to financially support local, independent bookshops. As more books are bought online, this wonderful site allows for the convenience of the consumer whilst also endeavouring to keep independent bookshops alive!

If you did enjoy this read, you can buy me a coffee on ko-fi - the caffeine keeps me writing and reading. Thank you, and please do come back soon!


  1. I've got Feral on my wishlist after recently reading Monbiot's Penguin 'Green Ideas' short.
    Less Is More looks interesting too.

    1. Feral is a great book, and I have had my eye on Less Is More since I heard Lucy Jones, herself a nature and wildlife worth reading writer, mentioned it in an interview.


Citizen science -- for the good of nature

  Holly blue (Celastrina argiolus) -- Butterfly Conservation undertake the Big Butterfly Count every summer, between July and August. (Photo...