Saturday, March 12, 2022

Exciting choices . . .


Still from Trainspotting, upon the opening monologue of which I based . . .

Choose green energy. Choose decarbonising agriculture. Choose reading nature blogs. Choose planting evening primrose for night-flying moths. Choose great big long fucking walks in the countryside. Choose putting up nest boxes, learning the names of birds, learning the names of wildflowers, and learning about climate change. Choose expressing your love for nature and wildlife through writing, painting, and taking photographs. Choose creating a high home for swifts. Choose a more vegetarian/vegan lifestyle. Choose rewilding your garden. Choose making space for nature and growing some of your own food. Choose beavers because they are one of nature's ecosystem engineers and they reduce fucking flooding. Choose reading nature magazines or even subscribing. Choose recyclable products, and less fucking plastic. Choose reading books like Foxes Unearthed by Lucy Jones, Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake, and The Walker's Guide to Outdoor Clues and Signs by Tristan Gooley. Choose stopping to smell the flowers. Choose nature . . . And why would I want to do a thing like that?

I most definitely choose nature - I choose nature because I am a product of nature! More reasons? This world is not only ours. Besides, have you seen how beautiful it is?

This week, I am putting up homes for bats and swifts, in the hope that it will provide a space for these animals. If you would like to help with some of the costs of these boxes and their being put up, could you please consider a small donation, the cost of a coffee, on - a £3 donation helps to support this blog and other nature/wildlife considerate pursuits I undertake.

I resist ad space on this blog, preferring to generate conversation rather than sales, and so, to support my endeavours and writerly ambition, I throw myself on the kindness of readers. If you can, please do consider taking a look at - and I thank you, every reader and supporter!

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